Breathe Easy  - Tips For Maintaining Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Breathe Easy – Tips For Maintaining Healthy Indoor Air Quality

You might often hear news stories about air pollution and its impacts on public health. But how frequently do you think about the quality of the air indoors?

While outdoor air pollution certainly poses a concern, it might be easy to forget that the quality of the air you breathe at home may be just as important.

10 Tips To Keep Good Indoor Air Quality

There are many ways you can keep good indoor air quality. Below are some of them.

1. Renew the air

Ventilating your house for several minutes and several times a day is the first step to maintaining healthy air quality at home. However, ventilation is not enough to preserve good indoor air quality throughout the day. Therefore, it must be combined with other solutions.

2. Install A Ventilation System

Today’s house insulation does not allow for proper natural air ventilation. Indoor air pollutants become trapped inside your home! Therefore, you should contact professionals to install the ventilation system at your place.

3. Choose Low-Emission Cleaning Products

Cleaning products can release high concentrations of volatile substances, some of which can greatly affect your home’s air. To preserve your indoor air quality, it is important to choose low-emission products.

4. Monitor Humidity Levels

Indoor humidity should be between 40 and 70%. If it is too high, mold will develop and degrade the air.

5. Avoid Smoking Inside

You should avoid smoking inside your home because the smoke released can certainly pollute your indoor air. Moreover, the smoke will accumulate in different textile materials and be gradually released afterward, degrading your household air quality in the long term.

6. Choose Low-Emission Furniture

Furniture can also release pollutants throughout its life cycle. Therefore, it is important to choose furniture that will not invisibly emit such dangerous substances into your indoor air!

7. Clean Your House Regularly

Regular cleaning with products chosen specifically for their low emissions will help to preserve household air quality by reducing dust and mold pollution.

8. Choose Low-Emission Building Materials

Just like furniture, building materials’ emissions have a major presence inside homes and workplaces. Choosing low-emitting materials is essential to maintaining good long-term indoor air quality.

9. Choose Low-Emission Paints

Paints have two emission phases: a short-term phase (when applied) and a long-term phase. This means that once applied to the walls inside your home, the paint can continue to emit substances in large quantities. Therefore, it is important to choose low-emission paints, as these are present in most rooms of our homes.

10. Install An Extraction System In Your Kitchen

Cooking can also emit VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds, such as nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide). Therefore, it is strongly recommended that an air extraction system with a filter be used to maintain good air quality in this important room.

Improve Your Air Quality With Central Air Comfort

Do you want to improve your home’s air quality system? Then, contact Central Air Comfort. Our team will certainly cater to all your needs and help you control your home’s air quality. Contact us now to schedule an appointment.

Central Air Comfort Inc. offers residential and commercial air conditioning, HVAC equipment replacement services, duct work, and more across Dade County and Broward County.